

雪学院 Athletic Department and 校友 Association are proud to introduce a celebration of the rich athletic legacies of former student-athletes who have helped 为PG电子官方免费下载带来认可、荣誉、荣誉和卓越. 雪学院 Athletic 名人堂 is established to honor, pay tribute to, and perpetuate the legacy of former athletes, coaches, 团队s, and supporters who, either through participation, devotion and/or interest, have made outstanding contributions to intercollegiate 体育运动.

Nearly a century of Badger athletic history has been reviewed by a committee of faculty, 员工、校友和社区成员. 他们审查了数百人的成就 运动员们自豪地穿着雪学院的校服. 委员会的重要任务 was to identify deserving athletes who will be recognized in the inaugural group of PG电子官方免费下载体育名人堂. 第一堂入门课表彰了19个人 and one 团队, representing excellence from nine sports and every decade of Badger 体育运动.

雪的大学 Athletics and the 校友 Association are proud to announce the inaugural 2014年体育名人堂入选者:


Rulon Clark was hired as athletic director at 雪的大学 in 1920, and it was under his administration that football was introduced into the athletic program of the institution 第一次. 1923年,一个大专联盟在该州成立. It 包括雪学院、迪克西学院和布兰奇农业学院.


Howard Nielson, with a time of 10:3:05 seconds, set a new record for the Junior College 百米冲刺. 除了创造100码短跑记录外,霍华德还获得了第一名 220码短跑、880码接力赛和1英里接力赛. 该队收到了两个漂亮的 赢得接力赛的横幅


Ivan “Ike” Young came to Snow as the athletic director and coach in 1924-25, and then left after becoming the head coach at Springville High School for the next two years. After coaching at Springville, he returned to Snow in 1928 to resume the athletic 直到1934年他在斯诺的最后一年. 杨教练开始了 a winning football organization here at 雪的大学 and also helped coach the basketball 团队. Ike also implemented the idea of 雪的大学 having a mascot, eventually leading 致獾.


吉姆·威廉姆斯从1946年到1954年是PG电子官方免费下载的篮球教练. 1954年,Coach Williams led the Badgers to the National Junior College Basketball Tournament, taking the 团队 all the way to the championship game, where ultimately the 团队 lost in overtime 密苏里州莫伯利学院. 1954年獾队赛季结束后,威廉姆斯教练 took his coaching talents to Colorado State University, where he continued his coaching 成功.

1948-1970年网球教练:李R. 汤普森

李R. 汤普森 began the first phase of the 雪的大学 Tennis dynasty, where over his 22-year tenure as tennis coach, his 团队s never finished lower than second place 校际运动会(ICAC).

个人:Wilbur Braithwaite;

A former basketball and tennis coach at Manti High School, Wilbur Braithwaite made 对网球界的重大贡献. 在他37年的教练生涯中 从未被判技术犯规. 曼提高中的新体育馆和网球场以他的名字命名 教练布雷斯韦特. 1989年,他被选入国家高中联合会 School Associations 名人堂 and was the Olympic torch bearer in February 2002.


Robert Stoddard was coach of the 1963 ICAC Champion 雪的大学 football 团队 and, PG电子官方免费下载的足球场就是以他的名字命名的. 从1954年开始,鲍勃开始 38 years 在雪 serving as head football coach, track coach, and wrestling coach 最终成为了体育主管.


雪的大学’s highest scoring forward, was placed on the All-American First Team. This was the first time this had happened in the history of 体育运动 at 雪的大学. He also helped the basketball 团队 make it to the finals in a national championship. 哈尔有一个25.场均4分,在对阵Carbon的比赛中得到45分 大学,这仍然是斯诺大学的历史最高水平.

1958 - 1960年的跟踪 & 足球运动员:丹尼斯·汉森

丹尼斯·汉森是足球队和田径队的成员. 汉森的名字 a member of the football All-Conference (ICAC) 团队, along with being named to the 美国团队. 丹尼斯也是接力田径队的一员,他被命名为 会议冠军.

1970-1972年男子篮球运动员:J.J. 格兰特

J.J. is from Castle Dale, Utah, and 玩 forward and center for 雪的大学. He 先打前锋,必要时打内线. 在斯诺,J.J. 玩 在他两年的64场比赛中有61场. 他得了15分.每场投篮得3分 57岁时的球很有效率.8%,他还是个不错的罚球手,投篮 70%来自条纹. 虽然J.J. 我是斯诺大学篮球队的一员 打出了令人印象深刻的两年战绩44胜18负.


1971年,安·布里克被聘为体育教练. 她还担任过 作为一名管理人员、校内项目主任和培训师. 安也教书 每学期上几节体育课. 安盼望着开始当教练 女子运动,但没有有组织的运动供她指导. 她花了 为女子校际体育项目建设工作了多年. 最终,安 received a budget of $700 dollars to support competitive softball, basketball, and 排球项目. 小小的预算几乎不够支付旅行费用,而安 他们的大部分开销都是由獾夫人支付的. 1975年,女子校际 预算增加到3 000美元. 从1976年到1986年,雪学院的女子体育项目是 becoming a power-house, and this was thanks to Ann developing organized women’s sports 在雪.


Annie became a two-sport All-American in both softball and volleyball, setting the 未来几十年的节奏和标准.


雪的大学’s only National Championship 团队 to date, the Badgers finished the 1985 season undefeated (11-0) after a convincing 29-14 win over Northeastern Oklahoma in 1985年12月7日的中美洲碗.


During his time 在雪, Dwayne Sanders earned first-团队 defense National Junior 大学体育协会(NJCAA)全美荣誉. 他获得了10票 the 1992 Best in the West ranking before being recruited by Washington State University 在NFL打球.

1992-2005年男篮教练:Jon Judkins

Jon Judkins was head coach of 雪的大学 Basketball from 1992–2005 with a record 284胜128负(69%). 他赢得了蝉联风景西部运动会冠军 1999年和2000年的年度最佳教练. 乔恩目前在 in his ninth year as coach at Dixie State with a record of 145 wins and, 78 losses (65%).


Kevin Curtis began his collegiate career at 雪的大学, where he received All-American 作为一名外接手的荣誉. 他还获得了最佳阵容和最佳阵容 有价值球员荣誉,他还担任过队长. 作为一名新生,凯文 在600码外接球30次,触地得分5次. 大二的时候,他收到了55次接待 1,100码,19次触地得分. 他转学到犹他州立大学,后来被选中 to the NFL in 2003 as a wide 接收机 with a career of 252 receptions for 3,291 yards 20次触地得分.


PG电子官方免费下载时,乔希传球2308码,触地得分28次. 他接着说 to play at the University of Oklahoma, where he was the Heisman Trophy runner-up and, 全国冠军,并多次获得MVP奖项. 他目前在俄克拉何马执教.


Aaron began his athletic career as a QB playing high school football at Millard High 在他的家乡犹他州菲尔莫尔. 他来到PG电子官方免费下载,在四分卫上散步,但发现 his 成功 when he switched positions becoming Snow's career all-time leading wide 接收机. 他被JC Gridwire评为全美第一阵容 by the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), and 雪的大学 Male 年度最佳运动员. 在两个破纪录的赛季里,他一共收到了114次接球,共计2150次 接球码,24次触地得分. 仅在大学二年级,他的平均成绩就达到150分 receiving yards per game over 10 games, which is the highest of any 接收机 in a 是NJCAA历史上最伟大的赛季.

Upon graduation from Snow, Aaron attended the University of Kentucky, where he again 成为球队的首席外接手. 在他大四的时候,他还领导了非常 美国证券交易委员会在触地得分方面的竞争. 作为一名职业运动员,他打了九场比赛 seasons in the NFL, NFL-Europe, and Arena Football leagues where he received a number of honors including First-Team All NFL-Europe, 2004 World Bowl Champion, AFL All Rookie Team, AFL All-Arena WR selection, Utah Blaze all-time leading wide 接收机.


Deuce 玩 one year at 雪的大学, receiving a number of junior college honors, 然后去了南加州大学,然后是亚利桑那红雀队. 在第二轮被选中 他在红雀队打了六个赛季,首发比赛超过80场.


In his Sophomore year, Cade Cooper was the starting quarterback and National Junior 大学年度最佳球员. 他投球超过3100码,触地得分33次 那个赛季他又跑了四次达阵得分.

